Selamat Tahun Baru 2010!

Happy New Year!~

Akemashite omedetou!~

3 bahasa yang aku tahu aku gune utk wish. Huhu.

Masa berlalu terlalu cepat.

Dah nak habis da hidup aku kat AAJ tu. Tinggal tunggu result je sekarang.

Ape2 pon sekarang semua kite tawakal. Jangan lupe doa banyak2 ye kawan2!

2009..ape aku da buat?

Tashikani..banyak sangat kenangan. Banyak sangat benda terjadi. Banyak sangat perasaan aku rasa.

Hepy, sedih, kelakar, bengang. Dekigoto wa takusan sugiru.

Tapi, conclusionnye makin banyak berfikir huhu~

Say tata to 2009, and hye to 2010!

Hope this year will be a good year for me, my family and my friends.

Hope that our dream will come true this year, amin~

Azam? Haha. da lama da x main2 pasal azam nih. Entah bile la last aku berazam masa tahun baru.

Tapi aku rasa x perlu tunggu tahun baru baru nak berazam. Bile2 pon boleh, asalkan nak buat. Yaru ki sae areba ii wa~

Not much to say, just greeting for this new year. ^_^

So, here some of lines that I take from 1 Litre of Tears. *konon2 nak bakar semangat sempena tahun baru hahaha*


This is my favourite line in all of those favourites. Haha~ But actually this is originally from the diary. Lines in the drama is quite different, maybe they have changed it, to make the script better i guess..

So, hepy new year again people!

*tahun 2010 ni pon klu aku sedih mahu tengok langit lagi :)*

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posted by pja_chan at 2:00 | Permalink |