Ya Allah..
serabot kepale ak lately nih..
Dis one thing agak mmberi impact kat ak huhu.
Ak ni seorg bdak yg lambat belajar.
Da 18 baru blaja bnda nih hehe. Tapi xpe, ak xkesah =)
To my dearest sis, Intan, really thanx to u sis!
Kalau ko x brainwash ak smlm, ak pon xsdar huu~
but really, ur words keep me up.
I hope im not lost.
Da best line from u, '..and GOD sent him to you to learn about dis, sis..'
Yup, I am thnkful it is Him. not any other Him. Thank GOD.

To 'you', if u are reading this.
Do not feel guilty, thinking that u hv messed up my mind *well,eventhough actually it is haha*
I'm okay. Dont worry bout me.
And thanks to you. For everything.


posted by pja_chan at 19:02 | Permalink |